Six Lakes Realty

How to Get Ahead of the Chetek Spring Real Estate Market

While it may have felt like spring over the past few days, the official start to the new season is actually over a month away. Soon Chetek WI area residents will take to the real estate market in search of their next dream home and with a little necessary prep work, you could give yourself a much needed advantage as a home seller. After all, it’s not only temperatures that will be rising, it’s home prices too!

But as I mentioned above, it may take a little work to get your Chetek home ready for this season’s buyers and see a boost in value. Below are four ways you can get ahead of the spring real estate market in Northwestern Wisconsin and make your property stand out from the rest:

Make repairs
One simple way to put your property ahead of the rest in the spring real estate market is to make repairs. If that faucet has been on the fritz for some time, now is when you should aim to fix it! A home inspection can also help to point out any issues with your home prior to listing, but of course, that is optional.

Enhance curb appeal
No matter what time of year, a first impression is everything in real estate! With the majority of buyers searching for homes online before they even step foot in front of the property, you will need to wow them from the start. The best way to do so? Curb appeal! Assess what your home looks like from the exterior— Does the entryway look welcoming? Consider planting new flowers, trimming overgrown shrubs, re-mulching plant beds or around trees and make sure your house numbers are visible.

Eliminate clutter
Once you’ve wowed Chetek area buyers from the outside, you’ll want to continue that trend indoors! Many buyers are turned off by large, bulky furniture, bold colors on the walls and excess decor. Instead, walk around your home to clear out any clutter that may be taking away from the natural beauty of the home or clouding buyer judgment— including personal items.

Make a plan
Before you list your home this spring, you will want to have a strategy in place. For instance, do you know how you will respond to offers? How much do you want to sell the home for and what is realistic? Where will you go when you sell the property? Having all of these questions answered in advance will make the process run much more smoothly when the time comes to sign on the dotted line.

Think you’ll be ready to hit the ground running this spring? Or curious about what you can do to boost your property value before buyers re-enter the market? Give Six Lakes Realty a call today!

I look forward to hearing from you!

John Flor
Managing Broker
Six Lakes Realty
Office: (715) 924-4806

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